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LaserSoft® Conductor Clearance

Quicker, Safer, and Easier Measurements

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LaserSoft® Conductor Clearance


Measure the clearance and height of conductor wires using your android mobile device.

Try the Conductor Clearance app today with a full-featured 30-day free trial period. Licensing is a one-time purchase with no recurring fees.

SKU: 7035198

Overview Videos Downloads Primary Applications Key Features Specs


LaserSoft® Conductor Clearance app for utility professionals is used to measure the clearance and height of conductor wires. There is no need to drag around measuring wheels, height sticks or bulky, expensive total stations. Just grab a TruPulse laser and the Conductor Clearance app and you’re ready to hit the field!

Try the Conductor Clearance app today with a full-featured 30-day free trial period. Licensing is a one-time purchase with no recurring fees.

Conductor Clearance on Google Play


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Training: Four Conductor Clearance Workflows for Conductor Heights

How to use the Conductor Clearance app's four different methods of measuring a conductor's height off the ground.

Training: Four Conductor Clearance Workflows to Assess Danger Trees

How to use the Conductor Clearance app to determine a live wire's safety from nearby trees that could fall at any moment.


LaserSoft® Conductor Clearance Brochure Download LaserSoft® Conductor Clearance User Guide Download

Primary Applications

Key Features

One-time Purchase - Lifetime Support

Generate reports in PDF, TXT, CSV, GPX, and KML formats for data processing

Conductor Height procedures to verify clearance over a roadway, under a line, or above the high brush line

Missing Line or Point-to-Point workflow for measuring the distance and angle between any two points

Point-to-Line sequence for calculating the distance and angle between a point and a line segment

Streamlined Laser and GPS connection screens


Operating Systems:


Supported Devices:

Please check the Google Play Store for the latest compatibility



Compatible Hardware:

TruPulse® 200X, TruPulse 200, TruPulse 360R, TruPulse 360
Optional: MapStar® TruAngle®

Supported Languages:

English; template is available for translation