Laser Technology has completed a successful Crash and Crime Mapping Summit held at its headquarters September 24-25, 2018.
LTI’s team of mapping professionals consisting of retired and active police officers attended the event to provide crucial market feedback, learn about and receive training on products and solutions, and to ensure they are prepared with all the equipment and software necessary to best serve our customers.
The Key Note address delivered by Michael Allard entitled “Laser Technology & Unmanned Aircraft” was the highlight of the event. Michael is the owner of Northeast Diagramming Services as well as a current law enforcement officer with nearly 30 years of experience in crash and crime mapping.
His presentation included real-world use cases and an outdoor drone flight demonstration which would later be merged together with ground measurements at the end of the address.
The presented material covered the importance of complementary equipment in the field, the pros and cons of drone usage in crash and crime mapping scenarios, and how to use drone imagery with ground measurement data to create the foundation for dynamic and comprehensive scene diagrams for court.
Live demonstrations from LTI’s Crash and Crime Mapping Summit
“Everything was extremely well planned, organized, and executed. We all walked away with a greater knowledge of the equipment – as well as a greater understanding of corporate processes.”
– Eric Heitmann, Eric Heitmann & Associates.
Our pro team mapped a mock crash scene with an iPad using the TruPulse® 200X and MapStar® TruAngle® system with QuickMap 3D® for iOS; then moved indoors to try out the new TruPoint™ 300 high accuracy laser to map a mock crime indoors with QuickMap 3D for Android®.
An emphasis on the importance of understanding the accuracy, specifications, and programming of LTI laser measurement devices was the underlying theme of event training. We look forward to molding our future products based on the expert competitive feedback and product innovation ideas shared by our training team and carrying this event forward into the future.
Contact us today for more information or to schedule a practical demonstration.
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