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Handheld Units

Equip your department with handheld lidar units that can pinpoint a particular vehicle in dense traffic

Handheld Lidar Speed Guns

Speeding is a leading cause of crashes and deaths on our highways. We are proud to develop technology that deters habitual violators from speeding and help save lives. Equip your department with handheld lidar units that can pinpoint a particular vehicle in dense traffic.

Our lidar lasers are used for tailgating enforcement, photo- and video-based speed enforcement, distracted driving, and statistical data collection.

Laser Tech is a name you can trust. For over 3 decades, beginning with the LTI 20/20 Marksman leading up to our flagship product, the LTI 20/20 TruVISION™, law enforcement officers around the world have used our lidar-based equipment for laser speed enforcement to garner a number of court approvals.


Pinpoint Accuracy

The use of lidar lasers for speed enforcement is the standard for traffic enforcement worldwide. We design our equipment to meet real-world needs: easy to use, easy to hold, and durable. With more vehicles on the road than ever before and multi-lane highways everywhere, enforcing the speed limit accurately and efficiently is crucial.


Lightweight and Easy to Use

Hand-held devices allow you to deploy your officers to the most critical areas of your community to monitor and enforce speed when the need arises.


Weather is Not a Problem

Enforcing speed in inclement weather is critical in keeping your community’s streets safe. Shoot through light rain or snow with the one-button weather mode.


Speed Management Studies

If you are looking to assess your roads for critical enforcement points, bring onboard the LaserSoft® SpeedStat program and review your reports for vehicle counts, high/low speeds, pace, and percentiles among other key essentials.

Featured Products

View All Speed Guns

LTI 20/20 TruVISION™


TruSpeed® Series


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