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Tailgating Enforcement

Take an active role in reducing crashes and fatalities in your community today by reducing tailgating and aggressive driving violations.

Tailgating infractions

Enforcement has historically relied upon the visual judgment of the traffic officer, or unfortunately, resulted in a rear-end crash. The Laser Tech Distance Between Cars (DBC) technology changes all that with a unique lidar measurement calculation equipping you with an objective method for enforcing these types of infractions. Not only does this technique record the distance measurements you need, but the camera lens help make sure that a reliable chain of evidence has been gathered as well. With auto-focus and auto-iris features built in, the HD images captured by either a TruVISION (for U.S. users) or TruCAM® II (for international users) are clear and valuable for educational and even court purposes, if it comes to that.

Cracking down on aggressive driving behavior is our focus and to that end, departments have used our DBC technology to promote public awareness campaigns reminding drivers about safe following distances often referred to as the 2 Second or 3 Second Rule. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends at least three seconds between vehicles in ideal driving conditions.

In the quick video clip below, our very own Mike Rieger uses a TruVISION photo/video lidar unit to demonstrate the technique behind capturing an accurate Distance Between Cars (DBC) reading and shows how the results are displayed with the time (in seconds) between two vehicles captured and included with an HD image that is saveable as a video clip. In the example, the two cars are separated by just 1.3 seconds.

Take an active role in reducing crashes and fatalities in your community today by reducing tailgating and aggressive driving violations.

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LTI 20/20 TruVision™


LTI 20/20 TruCAM® II


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LTI 20/20 TruVision

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